Category: Thoughts & Opinions
HAKOTO – Collaborations
2023 June and July: This post includes some terrific video and audio from work with colleagues who are members of the ECOTONES research network, Directed by Prof Amanda Bayley at Bath Spa University. Here we provide two short but incredibly interesting audio-video documents followed by a sound recording. All work begins with a tree and…
Words from Reiko Goto
My artistic subject matter is the life of nature. By contemplating nature, I seek to renew my own identity. (This is an evolving text that continues to be revised over time) My ecological and environmental art practice involves two attempts; one is to ask nature, and the other one is to enter into a community…
Rannoch – The Breadalbane Deliberation
The Breadalbane Deliberation – Comh-Chomhairle Bràghad Albainn The historic district of Breadalbane was described by Frances Groome, in the Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland, 1882-1884. Exhibition Dates: 2 August through 8 August 2015 Workshop Date: Saturday 8 August 2PM Location: Dall Mill Chalet, Rannoch, PH17 2QH Hours: 11-5 or by appointment Contact: Anne…
Reiko’s Reflections on ‘Conversations with Water’ (More than Human Research)
The More than Human Project was organized by PI Michelle Bastian, with Co-I’s Richard Coles, Phil Jones and Owain Jones. This is the fifth in a series of reflections on the workshop, written byReiko Goto Collins. Co-design with water: an aesthetic conceptual provocation 9/12/2013 Originally published: On the more than human research website. At the end of…