This project is a sustained creative enquiry into the ecological and cultural meanings and values associated with the Black Wood of Rannoch in Highland Perthshire. One of only six ancient native forests that is 1,000 hectares or more. The research is a result of ongoing dialogue between Tim Collins, Reiko Goto and David Edwards, and complemented by a series of residencies with a diverse range of project partners and colleagues, both locally in Kinloch Rannoch, and in government agencies, universities and NGOs who, in different ways, care about the Black Wood and its contribution to the community and society as a whole. Over time, the effort would focus upon the development of a ‘Future Forest’ workshop held over two days in Rannoch in November 2013. The event created a space for participants to reflect on their own current experiences of the forest and imagine alternative futures that protect the ecological value of the forest, while exploring a more robust cultural relationship. Subsequently, the artists have produced various artworks, exhibitions and semnars around these themes, and worked with David Edwards to produce various chapters and journal entries that examine the principles in the work.