Tag: art and ecology
HAKOTO – Oak + Willow
in Performance2023 May 28 – clips from HAKOTO Performance with a beech, an oak and a willow tree at KNOCKvologan, Fionnphort, Isle of Mull, Scotland. Sunday May 28th, clips from the performance during our residency, with one (of two) HAKOTO and various trees in the Oak/Hazel Forest of Knockvologan. It was followed by a dialogue about…
Minty Donald Reviews “A Caledonian Decoy” (2017 Exhibition)
in MediaIn February 2017, Tim Collins and Reiko Goto’s thought-provoking exhibition, A Caledonian Decoy, was showcased at the Intermedia Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art in Glasgow. The exhibition brought together recent works developed as part of the artists’ ongoing Critical Forest Art Practice, exploring new relationships between humanity and nature, with a focus on Scotland’s forests.…
Thinking Art and Bio Remediation
Thinking Art and Bio-Remediation an American perspective. T.Collins, In a conversation recently with Tim Joye in Flanders, we got to talking about remediation art. 2012, July First a few references: http://nmr.collinsandgoto.com/weblinks/frost/FrostTop.html http://greenmuseum.org/c/ecovention/, and http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ffYQeG4MrRAC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false There is a lot of potential for artists to work on these issues, although I have argued in the past that…